How to get from ‘Stuffy & Shirty’ to ‘Down & Dirty’ in 8 easy Tweets…
When I first saw this tweet ‘The Down & Dirty A4 Plan’ my fist thought was… GREAT TITLE… lets have a read, see what it’s all about. My expectation level was high as I hovered over the link, I was ready to be ‘WOWed’… I clicked the link and up popped:
Ahhh… exactly, mhhh, I’m sure you felt the same, bit of a let down, big disappointment? ( ? bit of an over promise & under deliver situation) It was ‘stuffy & shirty’ & I’d been promised ‘down & dirty’
I’d recently met Steve Clarke (UK Sales Mentor) at the Bishop’s Stortford Twestival and found to my surprise, that he wasn’t as scary as his photo and was in fact quite approachable, so I thought ‘better to do something rather than nothing’ (it’s one of the two catchphrases I’ve been working on ?) I thought, I know what I’ll do, I’ll tweet him:
No beating about the bush, I thought, tell it like it is. What’s the worse that could happen?… (public humiliation, a ban from his Linked-in group, or even worse he could UN-follow me on Twitter) worth the risk, I thought, I’m well under 140 characters… PRESS TWEET!
There y’go, it was done, I’d said I loved the title & content, but visually it was crying out for a bubble diagram, I just thought it could be something more visual, rather than just a text list!?…fair comment?… The waiting game began…
4 hours passed… (it seemed more like 4 and a half), time was trudging forward in slow motion… then suddenly… PING!…
ooo… errr… aaah… that’s chucked the cat in amongst the pigeons… be confident now, show that you know what you’re talking about. “Chest out lovely boy, fine pair o’ shoulders… Show ’em off…” (apologies to younger readers who weren’t even born when ‘It ain’t half hot mum’ was on telly)
12 seconds passed… (it seemed more like 6), time was speeding by like a Time Lord in a Tardis (one for the younger readers ?)…TWEET!…
I was confident, I knew what I was talking about… didn’t I?… SH*#^T…
OK, pull yourself together, grab a pencil and show the man what you mean!…
10 minutes passed… (Dr Who was back), time flew, I was really enjoying doodling away, I threw a ‘bubble diagram’ together. It looked OK, but something was missing… It needed to be ‘downer & dirtier’, so I added some fingerprints and a coffee stain, sorted…
30 minutes later… TWEET!…
…costs were agreed via Direct Mail…then…
…JOB DONE!… no hang about… is that my e-mail… DING!…
“Absolutely brilliant – It’s what I’ve looked for in creative support, now I’ve found it – I really appreciate your proactive approach and design idea – and we’re just getting started.
(yes, you can quote that anywhere you like)“
…Thanks for the ‘cracking’ testimonial Steve, very much appreciated
… you did say I could quote it anywhere!
To all of you Twitter ‘non believers’ out there… time to START BEEELIEVING…
Say – Hallelujah!
Time for the second of my two fledgling catchphrases, I think…
“Crack On – AND Delight Your Customers”
(Amazingly, there are some who say I should forget the catchphrases altogether
and just stick to the design ?)
To follow me on Twitter: @rightangle90
To follow Steve Clarke on Twitter: @uksalesmentor