Ecogrove Branding

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Ecogrove is London’s 1st major carbon-neutral development.

Ecogrove Portrait with animated 'E' logo design
Ecogrove Portrait with animated 'E' logo design
Ecogrove spreads and front cover design of ecogrove brochure
Front & Back designs of Ecogrove business cards

We weren’t limited by our client at all, he gave us the creative freedom to build a strong and cohesive brand.

Ecogrove logo design concept sketches
Ecogrove logo design concept sketches
Animated gif showing the Ecogrove landscape logo

As the houses are fully powered by solar panels, our design solution for the branding comprises of a unique hand-drawn sun symbol forming the word ‘ECO’.

Front cover print design Ecogrove A4 brochure
Hand drawn illustrations elements for Ecogrove branding
Ecogrove Hoardings design flats


Marks Gate, Romford

Disciplines - Ecogrove Homes

Branding Design
Website Design

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