Trovex Innovations

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Trovex Innovations design and manufacture, hygienic finishes and practical surfaces in healthcare, leisure, hospitality and commercial environments.

Person holding mobile phone, viewing the responsive Trovex Innovations website design Thumbnail
Person holding mobile phone, viewing the responsive Trovex Innovations website design
Person using laptop, browsing the product page of Trovex Innovations
Before image enhancement of person turning the tap for Trovex Innovations website After image enhancement of person turning the tap for Trovex Innovations website

The tick is now used across all of their marketing materials and has become known as the 'Trovex tick of excellence'.

Close up of Trovex Innovations Sample Book with coloured ink splash on front
Hygienic leaflet design for Trovex Innovations
Stacks of Trovex Innovations brochure print design, showing the front cover
Stacks of Trovex Innovations brochure print design, showing the front cover

We have completely rebranded, redesigned and built over 150 pages with customer engagement as our primary focus.

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